Zanasi Group partners with Human Maple

Zanasi Group has  teamed up with Human Maple to strengthen its commitment to environmental sustainability, striving for a future in which corporate processes and development strategies are centred on the environment and the wellbeing of everyone.

The Human Maple project

Human Maple is a circular economy project dedicated to the collection and recycling of cigarette butts. One of the main pollutants of seas and oceans, this waste in then reprocessed to be used for thermal insulation padding or yarns for sustainable fashion. The association,  whose members are mainly young people from the town of Castelfranco Emilia (Modena), has set itself the goal of improving the planet through small but effective  gestures. Driven by their awareness of the negative effects of human impact, the members of Human Maple decided to make changes through specific acts of environmental kindness. They have kicked off a significant project and we – with passion – decided to get involved.

Why cigarette butts?

Cigarette butts are an environmental time bomb: 

  • they gradually release over 40 toxic substances and pollutants;
  • two-thirds of all smokers throw their cigarette butts on the ground, resulting in more than 4.5 trillion filters scattered around the world every year, which cause enormous damage to biodiversity;
  • they lead to costs of approximately €180 million for marine pollution and €10 million for waste management in Italy.

Human Maple has developed an innovative process that obtains 330 g of secondary raw materials from every 1 kg of cigarette filters; these raw materials are then introduced into the textile supply chain in association with Tuscany-based partner New Mill

A partnership that brings great benefits for everyone

Like Zanasi Group, all the companies that decide to become Human Maple’s partners contribute significantly to resolving the environmental issue of discarded cigarette butts by installing and servicing Maple ashtray (in Maple Smokers Points).

This project provides widespread advantages including a positive impact on the working and surrounding environment and the promotion of good habits to improve the environment (reduction of CO2, nicotine, benzene, particulate, and heavy metals). All the collection and logistics activities and the paperwork are handled entirely by one of Human Maple’s partner, Re-Open.

As well as recycling, another aim of Human Maple is to get the environmental message across  and #riccicami is the new hashtag it is using to do this, by raising awareness through the Maple ashtray. It includes offline and online content to provide customers full and up-to-date information  to highlight the importance of increasing environmental accountability and ensuring compliance with national and European directives.

It also certifies  the amount of pollutants that have been recovered, demonstrating our very real  commitment to ESG policies and to achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

Posted on: 19 June 2024 Posted in: