Legal Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of use of the website

Zanasi Group S.r.l., as owner and holder of the internet domain, submits the following terms and conditions of use to users. Hoping for your cooperation, we wish you good navigation.


  • “Terms and conditions of use”: these terms and conditions;
  • “website” or “internet site”: homepage of the site
  • “contents”: web pages, text documents, editorial content, communications, drawings, graphics, images and photographs, databases, software and any other audiovisual material of any type and nature;
  • “services”: all those functions, devices, applications, information or other services available through this website;
  • for “visitor” or “user”: any person who accesses the website, with or without permission to INSERT LINK, or who uses it, regardless of whether they have “registered”;
  • for “framing”: the insertion of the “called” (linked) page, belonging to a certain site, within the structure of a different “calling” (linking) site;
  • for “deep link”: the direct reference, contained in a site, to a specific page of a different site, without passing through the “home page” of the latter site.

Anyone who accesses or uses this website accepts without restriction to be bound by the conditions specified herein. If you do not accept them or do not intend to be bound by them, you may not access, use or download material from this site.

Applicable law

All content published or present on this website, including their selection and organization as well as the layout and design of the website, are protected by copyright legislation (Law 22 April 1941, n. 633, as amended by Legislative Decree 29 December 1992 n. 518, on the legal protection of software) and other national and international regulations on the protection of intellectual and industrial property, their amendments and additions.

Ownership of rights

This website is the exclusive property and responsibility of Zanasi Group S.r.l. with address in via Farina 31, 41053, Maranello MO, p.i. 04166780363, PEC and the assignment of the internet domain name has been formally obtained, according to the methodologies and procedures in force at the time of the assignment request.
The rights to the contents belong to Zanasi Group S.r.l., owner of the domain

  • Some internet pages of this website may also contain material subject to the copyright of those who made it available. With their publication on the site, Zanasi Group S.r.l. does not transmit any rights to any of the contents of the website.

The site is inspired by ethical and moral principles; for these reasons, the owner of the site considers it essential to recall certain behaviors aimed at avoiding the commission of unethical and non-compliant actions, in order to also avoid behaviors prohibited by the applicable legislation by the law. The following is a list, by way of example but not limited to: the modification of the website or any of its contents or access methods and behaviors that constitute a crime under the laws in force (for example computer crimes, such as the violation of computer domicile); behaviors intended to split parts or sections of this site and/or incorporate them into other third-party sites, to modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload from a program, make public, transmit or distribute in any way the content, in whole or in part, including codes and software without the prior consent of in violation of these conditions; attempting to access the restricted areas of the website without an authorization profile; uploading computer programs, files and other materials containing destructive or disturbing characteristics such as viruses, manipulated files, “hidden” files (such as images in which audio files are integrated), worms, Trojan horses or bots for the purpose of scrolling or for the launch of multiple screens and for other activities in general capable of disturbing the integrity or functionality or online communication of the website; in general, the use that causes or may cause damage, interruption or limitation of this website or its services; the unauthorized collection, via the website, of personal information on third parties (for example email addresses).

Links to other websites

The website may contain links to other third-party websites.
By connecting to other websites, you voluntarily leave this website to be reconnected to other web pages other than this website.
Users who, through links on the website, decide to access other linked websites assume all risks associated with this decision. The owner of the website is not responsible for the content of any sites accessible through “links” that are not under its control.
Without prejudice to agreements with interested third parties, the owner reserves the right to eliminate any link or connection program at any time.


The owner of the website cannot be held responsible for events and/or damages that may arise to the user and/or third parties from the use of this website and cannot be held responsible for any events and/or damages caused by actions undertaken by it as a result of prohibited behavior by the user or third parties.
The owner of the website cannot be held responsible, furthermore, for problems arising to the user from interruptions, suspensions, delays or anomalies in the provision of the service dependent on the supply of electricity or telephone/telematic service, or from other causes connected to the technical means through which the content is transmitted, not dependent on the owner of the site.
At any time Zanasi Group S.r.l. reserves the right to update or vary these conditions and the methods of use of the website, without any obligation to provide prior notice. In the event of changes to the conditions, access to the website implies the commitment to respect the conditions as modified.